Season 1
Top Episodes: Why does God Allow Suffering? :: [Episode 34] (7)
If you or someone you love has cancer, I don't need to persuade you that pain and suffering are real, that it can strike at any time, or that no one is immune to it. Our pain and heartache often leave us asking the...
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Fasting from Sugar and Praying for Healing During Cancer :: Episode 33
You've likely heard that sugar literally feeds disease and you may have been told to cut out sugar altogether, but have you considered the spiritual benefits of fasting from sugar?
In this conversation with Wendy...
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When Cancer Feels Lonely [Episode 32]
With summer in full swing and travel opening up, people are on the move, which can mean loneliness sets in for those less able, too sick, or too immunocompromised to travel. If that's you, then listen in to this...
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Trusting God when He Doesn't Do What You Thought He'd Do :: [Episode 31]
What do you do when your child's dying of cancer and God doesn't answer your prayers or do what you thought he'd do? How can you trust him again? This unthinkable tragedy happened to Stacey Henagan, but somehow she...
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Encore : Dealing with Fear and Anxiety :: [Episode 30]
Fear, anxiety and worry come free of charge with every cancer diagnosis. We fear the unknown, the pain of surgery and recuperation, and the terrifying prospect of recurrence. We worry about leaving our kids behind, we...
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Uncovering Purpose in Our Pain :: [Episode 29]
Is there a purpose in the pain of our cancer? If so, how can we discover what it is? And the apostle James encourages us to "consider it pure joy...whenever we go through trials of any kind" but that's easier said...
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Faith and Medical Care in Your Cancer Journey :: [Episode 28]
If you've ever felt caught between trusting God with your cancer or trusting your doctors, this episode is for you. Cancer survivor Rev. Percy McCray from Cancer Treatment Centers of America's Hope, Health &...
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7 Ways to Recapture Your Spiritual Get Up and Go :: [Episode 27]
With the fear, uncertainty, and exhaustion of a cancer diagnosis, our spiritual energy can quickly dwindle. We'd rather flop in front of the TV than get on our knees before God, devour a box of Oreo's than a book of...
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I've Been Diagnosed with Cancer, Now What? :: [Episode 26]
A cancer diagnosis sends us reeling and leaves us scared, overwhelmed and not sure what to do next. Yes, doctors put us on the treatment train but what else can we do to make sure we don't fall apart? How do we...
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The Ask Me Anything Episode:: [Episode 25]
Cancer throws up a ton of questions and this week I'm answering the ones you've sent in. If you're wondering how to love the person you've become, what to do when you're Jesus loving friends don't stand by you, or...
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Finding Peace in our Mind, Body + Soul :: [Episode 24]
Fear hits us from every direction when we have cancer. It messes with our minds as we churn the what-ifs of our journey into the night, it bombards our bodies as we hold onto stress and tension in unseen ways, and it...
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Wage War On Worry :: [Episode 23]
Worry, anxiety and fear come free of charge with a cancer diagnosis and it's impossible to get rid of them once and for all. Whether you're up at night worry about your scan results, pacing the kitchen anxious about...
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