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Conquer Your Cancer Fears :: [Episode 22]
Fear is cancer’s #1 sidekick. Where cancer goes, fear’s right behind it like a menacing bullying adding insult to injury.
Yes, the fears, worry and anxiety are very present and horribly real, following us around...
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Fear Walking Through Cancer :: [Episode 21]
One of the biggest things people struggle with during cancer is fear. We fear the unknowns ahead, we fear the cancer spreading or coming back, we fear not living the future we'd planned and hoped for.
Fear bosses us...
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Has God Abandoned You in Your Cancer? With Michele Cushatt :: [Episode 20]
When cancer strikes, we can feel spiritually alone and question the presence of God. We wonder whether he's real? Has he left us? Is he mad and ignoring us?
It's easy to feel abandoned, and we long to be sure God is...
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Stop Waiting for Life to Get Better :: [Episode 19]
When cancer upends your life and you can hardly catch your breath it's easy to hunker down, put life on hold and assume the abundant life God has for you is waiting off in the future somewhere - when this is all over....
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Hope as a Strategy for Cancer :: [Episode18]
When cancer upends your life and you can hardly catch your breath it's easy to hunker down, put life on hold and assume the abundant life God has for you is waiting off in the future somewhere - when this is all...
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20 Ways To Cope With Cancer :: [Episode17]
From pain and anxiety to medical bills and talking to your kids about your diagnosis, the shock waves of our cancer impact every part of our lives.
So what can we do to minimize the fallout, make life easier and more...
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The 7 Kinds of Rest You Need as a You Go Through Cancer (and why you might be missing out on them) :: [Episode 16]
Going through cancer is exhausting.
Yes, the treatment beats up our bodies and robs us of sleep but the impact and toll it takes hits every part of our lives not just our sleep. If you've ever said "If I could just...
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Relief for the Pain Of Your Cancer Journey :: [Episode15]
No one gets far into a cancer diagnosis before encountering the reality of pain. Pain from the disease, pain from the surgery, pain from meds, pain from the myriad of poking and prodding our bodies are confronted...
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For when your cancer journey feels lonely :: [Episode 14]
David, who wrote this Psalm23, could say he wasn’t afraid of anything, not even the valley of the show of death. It wan't because there was nothing there to be afraid of, but because he knew He wasn’t alone.
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People say the stupidest things when you have cancer :: [Episode 13]
People say the stupidest things when you have cancer.
Like me, you've probably heard things like "Oh, my uncle died of that!’ or the old platitude, " Don’t worry, God won’t give you more than you can handle" or the...
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Living in the Unknowns of Cancer with Marissa Brewer Henley :: [Episode 12]
Whether you were diagnosed yesterday, last week, last month or you’ve been on this cancer journey a while now, you can’t have escaped times of not knowing. We wait for test results - will they show the cancer is back...
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How To Ensure 2021 Is All You're Hoping For, No Matter What :: [Episode 11]
When life's easy trusting God is too, but when we're diagnosed with cancer we often struggle to trust him. It just doesn't seem as simple as it once did. We want to trust God, we know we should trust him but it's...
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